The Fullness of God in Christ


For in him dwells all the fullness of Godhood bodily. And you are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power. (Col. 2:9-10)

Christianity is, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Col. 1:27) This is because IN CHRIST dwells the fullness of God, and in the believer dwells Christ. This makes us complete in Christ – not incomplete, or lacking, in any resource that God has for us.

So much error in the Christian church is the result of neglecting or denying this one Truth – that the believer is complete SOLELY in Christ. Instead, we have added additional experiences to Christ, saying only then do we have all that God intends. Or we have mandated that believers belong to a church or to a group – saying only then can they be complete. Or we have demanded obedience to laws and rules as the means of completing the believer. No. If Christ is in us, we are complete – in HIM.

It is only because we are already complete in Christ that it is possible for Christ to be formed in us. And since we are already complete in Christ, it is possible to discover, “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,” that are, “hid in Him.” (Col. 2:3) You will note that there is nothing ADDED to Christ. No. All these things are FROM HIM — because He is all.