Gantz: Lebanon is responsible for rocket attacks against us

Israeli Defense Minister says Lebanon will be held responsible for terrorist rocket attacks.

Arutz Sheva Staff , Jul 20 , 2021 9:27 AM

Rocket attack

Rocket attack

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Tuesday that Israel will hold Lebanon accountable for the recent rocket attacks from southern Lebanon, and vowed to take action against “any threat” to Israel’s security.

Overnight, two rockets were fired from southern Lebanon towards northern Israel, with warning sirens sounded across the western Galilee. Residents reported hearing explosions, though no damage or injuries were reported.

“The state of Lebanon is responsible for the rockets fired overnight, as it allows terrorists to operate within its territory,” Gantz said Tuesday morning.

“Israel will act against any threat to its sovereignty and its citizens, and will respond in accordance to its interests – at the relevant time and place. We will not allow the social, political and economic crisis in Lebanon to turn into a security threat to Israel. I call on the international community to take action to restore stability in Lebanon.”

Late Monday night, Syrian media reported that the country’s air defense systems were activated over the city of Aleppo.

Syria’s official news agency, SANA, reported that the air defense systems acted against an “Israeli air aggression” in the Al-Safira area.

The Lebanese Al-Mayadeen TV network reported that the air strikes targeted “defense factories” and a “center for scientific research.”

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