Gantz to UNSC: Israel wants to settle maritime border dispute with Lebanon

There has been cautious optimism that Jerusalem and Beirut are close to signing an agreement on the maritime border dispute after back-and-forth diplomacy by the United States.

Published: SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 10:12
  Defense Minister Gantz holds briefing with representatives of the UN Security Council and Abraham Accord countries, September 13, 2022 (photo credit: NIR ARIELI)
Defense Minister Gantz holds briefing with representatives of the UN Security Council and Abraham Accord countries, September 13, 2022
(photo credit: NIR ARIELI)

Israel is keen to make a deal with Lebanon regarding its maritime borders, Defense Minister Gantz said in a briefing to representatives of the UN Security Council and Abraham Accord countries.

“The state of Israel is interested in progressing maritime border negotiations with Lebanon,” Gantz said. “In the end, there will be two gas rigs, one Israeli and one Lebanese. The question is whether we can reach this scenario without an unnecessary escalation as a result of Hezbollah threats.”

There has been cautious optimism that Jerusalem and Beirut are close to signing an agreement on the maritime border dispute after back-and-forth diplomacy by the United States. According to reports, the deal would see the Karish gas field remain in Israel while the Kana field will be owned by Lebanon.
“We must advance the negotiations and strengthen the stability and prosperity in the region and prevent an escalation that will first of all harm the citizens of Lebanon and the Lebanese state, and bring us back to the start.”

Defense Minister Benny Gantz

“Establishing a rig on the Lebanese side is in the interest of Lebanon, whose residents do not have a regular electricity supply and are experiencing a devastating economic crisis,” he said, explaining that Israel will also capitalize on its resources.

Despite continued threats by Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, the  Greek-French-owned company that drills in Karish, said that gas extraction is expected to start within weeks.

  Defense Minister Gantzwith representatives of the UN Security Council and Abraham Accord countries, September 13, 2022 (credit: NIR ARIELI)Defense Minister Gantzwith representatives of the UN Security Council and Abraham Accord countries, September 13, 2022 (credit: NIR ARIELI)

Gantz warned that Israel would not tolerate any threats to Israel’s security by Nasrallah and called on the Security Council to condemn any violation of Israeli sovereignty by the terror group.

“We must advance the negotiations and strengthen the stability and prosperity in the region and prevent an escalation that will first of all harm the citizens of Lebanon and the Lebanese state, and bring us back to the start,” he said.

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