Genesis Message 24 God’s Command To Enter The Ark

Finally the Lord issues His command to Noah to COME into his house, the ark, due to his righteousness. This does not mean that Noah was sinless. It means that he trusted God for his circumstances. He relied on God. (Proverbs 3: 5). Noah was righteous before God. We have the righteousness of God imparted to us at the point of belief (Romans 3: 22, 5: 17, 21, 8:10 etc.). We have come into the house of the Lord and are His when we believe. God does not push us into a relationship with Him. Just as we come to Christ, Noah was told by God to COME into the ark. God led the way. He was in the ark beckoning Noah to enter his life saving journey. This is what He asks of us too. Noah received God’s grace and was spared from the judgment (in contrast with the wicked). When the Lord closed the door there was no more time for theological discussions of which truth is true, yours or mine. When the flood came there was no more time for witnessing. Some day our time will end too. There will be no more time for witnessing; God will shut the door so to speak. The flood (fire and tribulation) will come and all discussions of “which truth is correct” or whether “Mormonism can actually be characterized as Christian” will be over. There are many categories we can include instead of Mormonism. This should provide us with a greater sense of urgency to reach those that the Lord has placed in our path. He that hath an ear…


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