Genesis Message 49 The Akedah, Abraham’s Test of Faith

In this video Dr Woodhead discusses the test given by God to Abraham which was a test of his faith. God knew what he would do and what the outcome would be. It is Abraham that had to realize the outworking of his own faith and trust in God. God wanted him to see this in himself. God called him and he responded. God said to take his only son whom he loved and go to Moriah. This location is in Jerusalem and is the site now known as the Temple Mount. This is the first time the word love is used in the Bible. God tells him to offer Isaac as a burnt offering on a yet to be revealed mountain. This would be Mount Moriah or the location when Solomon built the Temple (II Chronicles 3: 1) many years later in about 973 B.C. Mount Moriah later became Mount Zion.
Abraham had to trust God immensely due to the fact He told him earlier that the covenant would go down to his son and be fulfilled through him and his progeny. Abraham had to realize that if God wanted to sacrifice Isaac He must intend to bring him back from the dead to continue the Abrahamic Covenant. Abraham had witnessed so many wonders from God he knew God’s power and love for him. The text tells us explicitly what each step of Abraham’s preparation and execution of the command are to relate sequentially Abraham’s obedience. He travelled three days with Isaac and two young men. He reached a spot at the end of three days where he could see the place still far off where he must go. He then told the young men to stay with the donkey while Isaac and I go worship. He then says “we” will return. Again putting full trust in God to keep Isaac alive or bring him back from the dead.

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