Genesis Msg 7 God Turns from Creating and Begins Making

In this video Dr Woodhead discusses God Moving from creating to making. God begins to “make” from His creation. He makes man and the animals from the ground. Genesis 2: 19 affirms what has been stated here in verse twenty-four, the “earth brought forth.” He makes three categories of beings here all after their kind. They are cattle, creeping things, and the beasts of the earth. Each of these terms references a larger group. Cattle, for example is a general term for domesticated animals. Some of these would include sheep, horses, dogs etc. Creeping things would include all reptiles and amphibians. The last category the “beasts of the earth” refers to all those animals that cannot be domesticated such as lions, tigers, antelope, dinosaurs etc. As was the case in the plants each category of animals were made “after their kind.” There is no evolutionary method utilized here. That imaginary notion is limited to the Bible speculators that are trying to match worldly ideas with biblical creation. They call this theistic evolution and it does not fit in the Hebrew text of the creation account.


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