God’s absolute, awesome, unconditional, uncontainable, unlimited, most abundant and ever-amazing grace!!

Here is a great article regarding God’s absolute, awesome, unconditional,
uncontainable, unlimited, most abundant and ever-amazing grace!!
All that God is, all that He has done, all that He does for you, all that He will do in behalf of mankind, is by grace, from His love for you.
Forgiveness is by grace; redemption is by grace; salvation is by grace; righteousness is by grace; anointing is by grace: holiness in you is by grace; the grace of God gives you all things that pertain to eternal life and godliness.
The grace of God is every good and perfect gift from the Heavenly Father being offered to you, through the sacrifice of Jesus and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Grace is God’s unconditional love, unfailing salvation, unchanging favor towards you. Grace gives you everything that Heaven has to offer, which you did not deserve, can not earn, and do not maintain by your own works. Grace comes from the love of God, and the love of God comes to you by grace.
Faith comes by grace, and the faith of God is placed into you along with all of the nature of God, the moment you are born-again by receiving the gift of eternal life, which the Holy Spirit brings into you when you call upon Jesus.
Grace promises that whoever calls upon the Lord shall be saved; grace assures you that they that believe in Him shall not be confounded nor put to shame. Grace reminds you in the Word of God that He that began a good work in you will be faithful to continue it, perfect it, and complete it in you and in your behalf.
His grace is more than sufficient. His grace has all that you have need of. Grace is greater than every need you’ve ever had or will ever have. Grace is greater than sin, for where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. Greater is He that lives within you than is everything in life that could ever rise against you.
Grace isn’t earned, it can’t be unearned. God’s grace isn’t deserved, thus, it can’t be undeserved. The grace of God can’t be purchased, and can’t be sold away by you. The place of grace is where you stand, in the presence of God, who has purified you, justified you, sanctified you, and has glorified you. You are beckoned to come to the Throne of Grace boldly, confidently, joyfully, and expectantly, to obtain the mercy of God and to experience His timely grace, each time you have a need.
Grace is the will of God, it’s the ministry of God, it’s the love of God in action, it’s the power of God that results in your salvation. Grace is all there is, and it’s all you need. Jesus Christ is the grace of God in human manifestation, and as a result of His death, burial, and resurrection, you have the Holy Spirit available to you and in you, so you may be a manifestation of the grace of God, to people around you, everywhere.
I couldn’t verify who the author is. But it is a very accurate description of the unimaginable and limitless love we have from our Heavenly Father above; the character of Christ, the essence of the Holy Spirit and the supremely wonderful truth found within His word.

Here is an image I am including that I think is most fitting to this message.

Jeff Robb