Hamas leader ‘not afraid’ of Israel

Yahya Sinwar, Hamas leader in Gaza, says he does ‘not take Israel into consideration,’ warns against Jews visiting Temple Mount.

Dalit Halevi15.05.2200:47

Yahya Sinwar


Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar on Saturday visited the Al Jazeera studios in Gaza to express condolences for the death of journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh earlier this week.

Abu Aqleh was killed in a firefight between the IDF and terrorists in Jenin. Thus far, the Palestinian Authority has refused to cooperate with the IDF’s efforts to investigate the incident, and refuse to turn over the bullet which killed Abu Aqleh for the examination.

The IDF has clarified that it is impossible to determine who killed Abu Aqleh without examining the bullet which hit her.

During his meeting with Al Jazeera, Sinwar responded to reports that Israel may seek his head due to Hamas’ involvement in the recent wave of terror attacks.

“I am willing to speak on live broadcast,” he said. “I am not hiding and we do not take Israel into consideration.”

“The crimes of the occupation are not forgotten,” he added, claiming that Israel “murdered” Abu Aqleh.

Meanwhile, Hamas has warned against Jews ascending the Temple Mount – which they call “breaking in to Al Aqsa” – on Sunday, which is both the “Second Passover” and Nakba Day.

In a notice, Hamas warned that allowing “break-ins” to Al Aqsa mosque would be “a dangerous escalation and emotional provocation” of Muslims, and would lead to an open conflict with Israel.

Hamas then called on the Arabs living in Israel, Judea, and Samaria, to visit Al Aqsa mosque en masse and to foil the “occupation’s” plans.

Content retrieved from: https://t.co/W5eEnUYkHa.