Hana Levi Julian2 Tevet 5784 – December 14, 2023

In 2019, the IDF saluted the soldiers who monitored the Gaza border from the Nahal Oz military base, and specifically one who spotted four armed terrorists infiltrating in an attempt to carry out a lethal attack that year.
An investigation into the deaths of IDF surveillance soldiers at the Nahal Oz military base on October 7 has discovered that Hamas terrorists for the first time used chemical warfare to kill Israelis.
According to a report by Israel’s Channel 12 News, investigators examining the bodies of the surveillance soldiers at the base reportedly revealed they died from the effects of toxic gas.
The name of the gas, which caused suffocation and loss of consciousness within a few minutes of exposure, was not revealed.
The families of the IDF surveillance soldiers who were killed at the Nahal Oz outpost received the details of the investigation from an IDF reserve officer who shared the final moments experienced by their loved ones before their death inside the camp.
Fifteen female IDF observers and three female IDF officers died in the toxic Nahal Oz inferno. Six officers and one surveillance soldier managed to escape the toxic environment and survived to tell the tale to investigators. Of those remaining, six others were abducted by the terrorists who dragged them into Gaza.
The main finding, detailed by an engineering expert, indicated that an unspecified, toxic flammable substance was hurled into the entrance of a building housing the surveillance commander center at the base.
The chemical warfare was used to launch the October 7 attack by some 3,000 invading terrorists led by Hamas who decimated communities, tortured, raped, beheaded and burned people alive while thousands of rockets were fired at Israeli population centers across the Jewish State.
Some 22 communities and a number of Israeli military bases were overrun by the raging hordes; more than 1,200 people were slaughtered, the vast majority of whom were civilians. Another 240 people, including soldiers, were kidnapped and taken to Gaza.
According to the report, a soldier at the entrance to the building tried but failed to extinguish the flames ignited by the substance.
“They set fire to materials that ignited and spread, which contained toxic gases that could cause suffocation in a few minutes or even less than that,” the officer told the news outlet.
Smoke from the toxic flames entered the command center where 22 people, including many surveillance soldiers, were hiding. The soldiers soaked paper towels with water and stuffed them under the door hoping to block the smoke, but the strategy didn’t work.
“The soldiers began to leave the room and search for an exit. They were coughing and some couldn’t breathe,” the IDF officer told Channel 12.
“Some told us that they felt they were stepping on some people, they tried to pick them up, and with the rest of their strength tried to call to them. They were simply surviving and trying to figure out how to get themselves out of there.”
Realizing the emergency exit door was in flames, the struggling soldiers searched further.
Reaching a nearby restroom, one of the officers climbed in and broke the window. He helped five more of his friends to get out.
“The same officer tried to break another window, and the last survivor managed to get out of the opening,” the IDF officer shared with the bereaved parents.
“One of the officers climbed back into the bathroom. He shouted but there was no voice in response … There were also soldiers here who did not manage to make this climb,” the officer added.
Content retrieved from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/eye-on-palestine/hamas/hamas-using-chemical-warfare-gassed-idf-soldiers-to-death-at-nahal-oz/2023/12/14/.