Hamas warns terror group ‘headed for another round of conflict’ with Israel

January 5, 2023

Hamas warns terror group ‘headed for another round of conflict’ with Israel

Hamas publishes a memoir written by archterrorist Hassan Salameh about several bus bombings he was behind.

By World Israel News Staff

A senior Hamas official said the terror group was “headed toward another round of resistance and conflict” with Israel on Thursday, during an event marking the 27th anniversary of the killing of its chief bombmaker.

Saleh Arouri, deputy head of the Hamas’ politburo who is currently based in Lebanon, boasted that Hamas was readying itself for another victory.

“We are going through a phase in which the acts of resistance are escalating. We are headed toward another round of resistance and conflict with the occupier; we are headed toward a new victory,” Arouri was cited as saying by The Jerusalem Post.

He added that Hamas would do everything in its power to secure the release of all the Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails.

The event included a book launch of a Hamas-published work titled, “The Buses are Burning,” referencing Israeli buses targeted by suicide bombers. The book was authored by Hassan Salameh, who is serving 46 consecutive life sentences for orchestrating three large-scale terror attacks in Israel.

The memoir recounts how Salameh and his accomplices planned the attacks.

It’s launch, which was organized by Hamas’ armed wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, coincided with the anniversary of the killing of Yahya Ayyash, who was known as “The Engineer” because of his expertise in bombmaking. Ayyash was killed by the Shin Bet security agency with a cellphone that exploded during a phone call with his father in 1996.

Thereafter, Salameh was entrusted by the terror group to carry out terrorist attacks in Israel to avenge Ayyash’s death, according to the report.

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Salameh said in a message from his prison cell that the terror attacks he was behind “will remain immortal in history and tell Palestinian generations the story of a will that transcended the impossible, performed miracles and exposed the Zionist entity’s fragility to the whole world.”

“We set out on a path fraught with dangers,” Salameh added. “We only had a few explosives and a few thousand dollars.”

HamasIsraeli-Palestinian conflictRadical IslamSaleh al-Arouri

Content retrieved from: https://worldisraelnews.com/hamas-warns-terror-group-headed-for-another-round-of-conflict-with-israel/.