News Desk2020-02-16

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:45 P.M.) – The Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, announced that his organization will target the U.S. with a new ‘weapon’ during his speech to commemorate the 40th day since the commander of the Quds Force Qassem Soleimani was killed in Baghdad.
According to the Hezbollah leader, this new weapon is the boycott of U.S. goods and the dollar, emphasizing that this will cause Washington the greatest distress.
The Secretary-General of Hezbollah noted that legal files must be prepared in documenting the crimes of the United States and its officials.
The Hezbollah stressed that the United States is resorting to its interests and its hegemony by all means, stressing that it “needs comprehensive resistance throughout our region in facing this terrorist monster.”
Nasrallah pointed out that the killing of Soleimani on January 3rd was a declaration of war. “When Trump kills the leaders in a public and brutal manner, he declares war and we are still in a slow reaction.”
He mentioned that the revolution in Iran has endured despite all wars and sieges, thanks to the presence of its people in all fields and all stages.
The Secretary-General of Hezbollah continued, “President Donald Trump’s U.S. peace plan in the Middle East, known as the “Deal of the Century”, affects Lebanon in several aspects. It gives the occupied Lebanese territories to Israel, as well as resettlement of refugees, and in Lebanon there is a total rejection of resettlement.”
Nasrallah praised the Lebanese consensus in rejecting the American peace plan, claiming that the reason for that refusal was the awareness of the Lebanese as well as the Palestinians of the risks of this plan for the region and Lebanon. He added that there is no Palestinian who can accept giving up the Palestinian cause.
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