Hezbollah leader hints at possible Israeli, US action in Lebanon or Golan in last months of Trump’s presidency


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BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:10 P.M.) – The Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, said in a speech to commemorate Martyrs Day on Wednesday, November 11, that “the American policies in support of Israel in the region will not change with a change of administration” in Washington.

Furthermore, the Hezbollah leader touched on the topic of U.S. President Donald Trump’s loss in the election, pointing out that he expects America or Israel to do something against his organization in the last two months of Trump’s presidency.

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In his statements carried by Al-Manar TV, Nasrallah indicated that “during the recent Israeli maneuver, there was talk about the Israeli readiness to do something in Lebanon or the Golan.”

Nasrallah considered that “Israel also needs oil and gas, and if it wants to prevent us from extracting our wealth, we can prevent it as well.”

Nasrallah stressed that Israel feels “great concern”, but realizes that its hand is not open in Lebanon because of the Lebanese group.

In his statements, Nasrallah warned of the necessity of extreme restraint during the next two months, and that his organization must be highly prepared “to respond to the calamity in the event of American or Israeli stupidity.”

Nasrallah linked President Trump’s dismissal of the U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper to the presence of steps inside and outside America, noting that “a person like Trump is all possible in the remainder of his term.”

Nasrallah noted that all wars “have proven that the Air Force alone is incapable of ending the battle and achieving a victory,” noting that there is a “readiness crisis” in the Israeli army, and that Israel has moved from the offensive position to the defense position.

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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/hezbollah-leader-hints-at-possible-israeli-us-action-in-lebanon-or-golan-in-last-months-of-trumps-presidency/.