Hezbollah leader says Iran-Saudi reconciliation is ‘good development’

Tehran and Riyadh sent officials for talks in China, where eventually Iran-Saudi ties were restored.

Published: MARCH 10, 2023 14:03
 TOP: The flag of Iran BOTTOM: The flag of Saudi Arabia (photo credit: Canva, Wikimedia Commons)
TOP: The flag of Iran BOTTOM: The flag of Saudi Arabia
(photo credit: Canva, Wikimedia Commons)

Iran and Saudi Arabia have agreed to re-establish diplomatic relations after talks in Beijing between officials from the two rival Middle East powers, Iranian state media reported on Friday.

The agreement was reached after talks in Beijing between top security officials from the two rival Middle East powers.

“As a result of the talks, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to resume diplomatic relations and re-open embassies…within two months,” Iranian news agency IRNA reported.

Iranian and Saudi media said a statement by the two countries emphasized respect for sovereignty and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.

Saudi Arabia’s state news agency said they also agreed to activate a security cooperation agreement signed in 2001, as well as another earlier accord on trade, economy and investment.

 Iranian flag is seen at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as Albania cuts ties with Iran and orders diplomats to leave over cyberattack, in Tirana, Albania, September 8, 2022 (credit: REUTERS/FLORION GOGA)Iranian flag is seen at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as Albania cuts ties with Iran and orders diplomats to leave over cyberattack, in Tirana, Albania, September 8, 2022 (credit: REUTERS/FLORION GOGA)

Iran’s top security official, Ali Shamkhani, who signed the agreement with Saudi Arabia’s national security adviser, Musaed bin Mohammed Al-Aiban, praised China for its role in the rapprochement, Iran’s Nour News reported. Both Saudi Arabia and Iran thanked Iraq and Oman for hosting talks in 2021 and 2022.

China’s foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

A White House national security spokesperson said the United States was aware of reports of the agreement and welcomed any efforts to help end the war in Yemen and de-escalate tensions in the Middle East.

Iranian-Saudi diplomatic history

The two leading Shi’ite and Sunni Muslim powers in the Middle East have been at odds for years, and backed opposite sides in proxy wars from Yemen to Syria and elsewhere.

Saudi Arabia cut ties with Iran in 2016 after its embassy in Tehran was stormed during a dispute between the two countries over Riyadh’s execution of a Shi’ite Muslim cleric.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said that normalizing relations offered great prospects for both countries and for the Middle East, and hinted at further steps.

“The neighborhood policy, as the key axis of the Iranian government’s foreign policy, is strongly moving in the right direction and the diplomatic apparatus is actively behind the preparation of more regional steps,” Amirabdollahian tweeted.

A senior Iranian security official said Friday’s agreement had been endorsed by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

“That is why Shamkhani traveled to China as the supreme leader’s representative,” the official told Reuters. “The establishment wanted to show that the top authority in Iran backed this decision.”

Hezbollah leader praises agreement

The head of Lebanon’s powerful armed group Hezbollah said on Friday the resumption of ties between its backer Iran and longtime rival Saudi Arabia was a “good development.”

Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed on Friday to re-establish relations after years of hostility that had threatened stability in the Gulf and prompted political disputes in Lebanon.

Bahrain, UAE, Oman, Iraq welcome resumption of diplomatic ties between Riyadh and Tehran

Bahrain welcomed the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, its news agency reported, citing the foreign ministry.

A diplomatic advisor to the United Arab Emirates president said on Friday he also welcomed the agreement.

“We welcome the agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran to resume diplomatic relations, and we hail the Chinese role in this regard,” Anwar Gargash tweeted.

“The UAE believes in the importance of positive communication and dialogue among the countries of the region towards consolidating the concepts of good neighborliness and starting from a common ground to build a more stable future for all.”

Oman also welcomes the agreement, the foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday.

Iraq welcomed “turning a new page” between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the state news agency said.

The two countries have thanked Iraq for hosting previous talks.

Both Oman and Iraq have hosted talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the past, something which the two countries thanked them for.

Support for move from Hezbollah

The head of Lebanon’s powerful armed group Hezbollah said on Friday the resumption of ties between its backer Iran and longtime rival Saudi Arabia was a “good development.”

Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed on Friday to re-establish relations after years of hostility which had threatened stability in the Gulf and prompted political disputes in Lebanon.

US says it was not directly involved in talks

Saudi Arabia kept Washington informed of its talks with Iran to restore diplomatic relations but the United States was not directly involved, White House spokesman John Kirby said on Friday.

“The Saudis did keep us informed about these talks that they were having, just as we keep them informed on our engagements, but we weren’t directly involved,” Kirby told reporters.

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