During Operation Guardian of the Walls, Israel destroyed an underground network of tunnels known as “the Metro” and supposedly did this by diverting international attention away from it.
JULY 10, 2021 08:55

Hezbollah’s deputy secretary-general Sheikh Naim Qassem has claimed that Hezbollah forces in Lebanon knew about the IDF attacks on the underground “Metro” tunnels in Gaza during Operation Guardian of the Walls, according to Lebanese news channel Almanar.
This statement was part of a larger interview that aired Thursday night on a television channel associated with the movement.
The Hezbollah official claimed to have known about the “ground operation propaganda,” after having been informed about it by “intelligence coordination work” with Palestinians in Gaza.
During Operation Guardian of the Walls, Israel destroyed an underground network of tunnels known as “the Metro” and supposedly did this by diverting international attention away with incorrect information about an imminent ground invasion, which they hoped would drive Hamas fighters underground into the tunnels.
The misinformation worked, although the plan was not carried out to completion and the number of dead was less than expected.
During the military operation, a number of rockets were fired into Israel from Lebanon, although Hezbollah did not claim responsibility for any of them.
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Additionally, A Hezbollah member was killed by IDF fire when protesters tried to storm the border with Lebanon and Israel during the operation.
Content retrieved from: https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/hezbollah-official-we-knew-about-idf-fraud-in-israel-gaza-escalation-673391.
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