High Court interim order could set stage for overturning unity gov’t

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU and Benny Gantz at a Knesset memorial ceremony for slain prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, last year (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

Panel expanded from 3 to 9 justices

The High Court of Justice late Thursday issued an interim conditional order that could potentially lead to overturning fundamental aspects of the unity government as unconstitutional.

Signaling that the justices are taking the petition seriously to negate changes made to the Basic Laws in order to form the current unity government, the order expanded the number of justices hearing the case from three to nine.

Content retrieved from: https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/high-court-hears-if-netanyahu-as-alternate-pm-can-be-made-to-resign-648944/amp?__twitter_impression=true&fbclid=IwAR1wmJM4WrXxQf-cg1Q1DyKAd7VTzOWL5f_jHMTFvEvudlC891nWxq349tA.