Houthis Claim Strike on Saudi Airport with Cruise Missile

Yemen’s Houthi movement launched an attack on the Abha airport in Saudi Arabia with a cruise missile, the rebel group’s TV station, Al-Masirah, reported on Wednesday without providing further details. According to the station, this was the second attack on a Saudi airport by the Iran-backed rebels this week, with multiple drone strikes claimed against an airport in Jizan on June 9. Saudi Arabia has yet to confirm any of these claims. The Houthis appear to have been attacking various Saudi assets since May, a month that saw four ships – two of them Saudi-owned – sabotaged off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in operations alleged by U.S. intelligence to have been orchestrated, if not carried out, by Iran. The latest hostilities coincide with the ongoing civil war in Yemen, which is seen mainly as a proxy war between Riyadh and Tehran. Saudi Arabia and the UAE head a western-backed coalition that intervened in Yemen in 2015 after the Houthis overthrew President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and dislodged his government from the capital Sanaa. The civil war has killed tens of thousands of people and left millions on the brink of starvation.

Content retrieved from: https://themedialine.org/mideast-daily-news/houthis-claim-strike-on-saudi-airport-with-cruise-missile/?fbclid=IwAR1EaRQqul5fPIIsejplOBAeHWAhdDk6IcQaMuZVnCoKJ0O0fCjIFEDPlZs.