I am the true vine [the source of life and growth] and My Father is the husbandman [the One who initiates all things].

It has become clear to me of late that knowing the will of God is not so much a matter of ‘do this or that’ as it is a life in Christ. What I mean by that is, as I yield myself fully to Him to do whatever it takes, that the self of me would be crucified and that He might live and manifest Himself through me in increasing measure. Then I will operate out of His will and heart more and more. In line with this, I want to expand John 15:1-5, into what I believe is the core message of that passage.
I am the true vine [the source of life and growth] and My Father is the husbandman [the One who initiates all things]. Every branch IN ME not bearing fruit [My life made manifest]] is taken away. Every branch [person] bearing fruit [manifesting ME] He prunes [brings through the work of the cross] that it [the person] may bear more fruit. [may manifest the life in Christ in greater measure]…Remain in ME [live out from ME] and I in you. As the branch [person] cannot bear fruit from itself [has no life of God in himself] you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in ME [live out from ME] I AM the vine [life], you are the branches [the ones who take their very life out from the vine] The one living in ME and I in him, the same bears much fruit. [My life being made manifest or revealed in that one,,,the fruits of the spirit]

Barbara Hemig

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