IAEA Says It’s Concerned About Iran’s Undeclared Atomic Work

Rafael Mariano Grossi 


John Follain

May 10, 2022, 5:09 AM EDT

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The head of the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog said his agency was “extremely concerned” about undeclared uranium enrichment in Iran and that negotiations aimed at restoring the 2015 nuclear deal appeared to be “frozen.”

In the last few months the International Atomic Energy Agency was “able to identify traces of enriched uranium in places that had never been declared by Iran as places where any activity was taking place,” Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi told the European Parliament on Tuesday.

“We are extremely concerned about this,” he said. “The situation does not look very good. Iran, for the time being, has not been forthcoming in the kind of information we need from them.”

His comments come as Enrique Mora, the European Union diplomat tasked with coordinating the stalled world-power negotiations to revive the landmark accord, travels to Tehran for talks with Iranian officials.

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Content retrieved from: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-10/iaea-says-it-s-concerned-about-iran-s-undeclared-atomic-work?utm_source=google&utm_medium=bd&cmpId=google&sref=RR1m1tD8.