IDF helicopter attacks tunnel infrastructure in Gaza

Attack comes in retaliation for firing of incendiary balloons from Gaza toward Israeli territory.

Elad Benari, 16/01/20 




An IDF combat helicopter attacked an infrastructure used by Hamas for underground operations in the northern Gaza Strip on Thursday evening, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit confirmed.

The attack was carried out in response to the launching of incendiary balloons from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory earlier in the day.

An explosive device attached to balloons and launched from the Gaza Strip exploded in an open area on Thursday afternoon in the Sdot Negev Regional Council. There were no injuries.

Israeli police sappers arrived at the scene just as the device exploded.

On Wednesday, four rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip toward southern Israel.

Two rockets were intercepted, the IDF stated. There were no physical injuries or damages.

Israeli fighter planes later struck several targets belonging to Hamas in the northern Gaza Strip.

The IDF stated that it takes the firing of rockets into Israeli territory “very seriously, and will continue to act as necessary against attempts to harm Israeli civilians.”

Tags:Hamas, IDF, Gaza Region


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