IDF intercepts Hezbollah drone on Lebanese border

IDF forces shoot down Hezbollah drone after it crossed into Israeli territory. The incident is being investigated.

Elad Benari

ב’ בשבט תשפ”ב 23:28 04.01.22
The drone which was shot down

IDF forces on Tuesday identified a drone belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization, which crossed into Israel from Lebanese territory, and shot it down.

“We downed a Hezbollah drone that crossed from Lebanon into Israel today. The drone was monitored by our soldiers throughout the incident,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said.

“The IDF will continue to operate against any attempt by terrorists to violate Israeli sovereignty.”

A similar incident took place a few months ago, a few days after an exchange of fire between the IDF and Hezbollah.

This development led Hezbollah’s Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah, to threaten Israel that he would attack “deep in the Galilee” with rockets, as he put it.

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