IDF Says Thwarted Attempted Stabbing Attack on Israeli Soldier in Northeastern West Bank


07:40 GMT 08.03.2021

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Israeli military has prevented an attempted stabbing attack on an Israeli soldier operating in the Palestinian city of Tubas in the northeastern West Bank, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Monday.

“Overnight, an assailant attempted to stab an IDF soldier operating in Tubas, northeast of Nablus,” the IDF wrote on Twitter.

The military added that the soldier was lightly wounded and treated at the scene, while the attacker was neutralized.

Similar attacks have been frequent in the disputed territory as relations between Israel and Palestine have been shattered for decades. Palestinians seek diplomatic recognition for their independent state on the territories of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, which is partially occupied by Israel, and the Gaza Strip.


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