Central Command is preparing for a scenario in which Iranian-supported terror organizations such as Hezbollah could break through and invade Israeli towns on the border.
By Vered Weiss, World Israel News
The IDF is increasing security along Israel’s border with Jordan to prevent further arms smuggling and to prevent Iran-backed terror attacks in the area, including possible invasion of Israeli towns, as reported by Israel Hayom.
According to reports, IDF’s Central Command is preparing for a scenario in which Iranian-supported terror organizations such as Hezbollah could break through and invade communities on the border.
Along Israel’s eastern border with Jordan, which stretches 309 km and is Israel’s longest, there has been significant arms smuggling activity into Judea and Samaria.
The IDF has recovered 1,000 weapons that were illegally brought in, including those that were clearly made in Iran.
In some cases, smugglers brought in airsoft M16 assault rifles and switched out their parts in Israel to enable them to fire real bullets.
The amount and variety of weapons confiscated by the IDF is staggering, especially considering that most of the arms were probably not recovered.
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The extensive smuggling explains the spike in terror activity in Judea and Samaria and the fact that the perpetrators of these attacks are armed with more sophisticated weapons than in the past.
Since arms smuggling has taken place along the entire border with Jordan, the IDF has increased its presence and is looking to bring in even more troops in the coming months.
In addition, the IDF is working on a project to build an obstacle along the extensive border as there is between the border of Israel and Egypt and to build observation posts.
In early November, 15 wanted terrorists were arrested in one night throughout Judea and Samaria and IDF forces seized weapons and ammunition.
During the operation, terrorists threw stones IDF forces, blocked roads, and even shot at them.
Weapons, grenades, and ammunition were confiscated in the village of Al Fawar in Judea.

HezbollahIranJordanJordanian borderJudea and Samariaweapons smuggling
Content retrieved from: https://worldisraelnews.com/idf-secures-border-with-jordan-to-halt-iran-backed-arms-smuggling-potential-invasion/.