In the account in Mark 14:72, of Peter’s reaction to his denial of Jesus, it tells of his going out and weeping bitterly. I wondered why, at the core, he was doing that. Was it because he was exposed as the fraud he really was? Was he disappointed that the brave warrior he envisioned himself to be had crashed and burned? Was it because the One who knew everything about him, loved him with an unfailing love? I am thinking that it must have been for all of these reasons. In Peter’s ongoing revelation of the Christ, over the period of 3 1/2 years, he witnessed the One Who was love and restoration personified. He, and we, are loved with an everlasting love, which does not come and go with the fluctuations and weaknesses of our old nature as it is exposed for what it is and brought to a death. As it went with Peter, so it goes with us. We can be encouraged as we go on in this process of having Christ formed in us, and finding that it takes failure on the part of our flesh to bring us fully into God’s purpose in His Son.