In the Body of Christ


Someone said he wasn’t in the Body of Christ because he hadn’t seen the signs from the Holy Spirit.

Here are the signs to know if you are in the Body of Christ, that called out group of believers from Pentecost to the Rapture.

1. There should have been a definite time or moment in your life when you were able to say with conviction, Jesus is “My Savior.” Whether the moment was dramatic or quiet, a Christian should be able to remember a definite moment when he or she believed on Jesus and received him as “My Savior.” The memory need not include all the details, but a Christian should remember the experience of salvation.

2. The Bible should be important to you, because in it you discovers more about God and more about yourself. Because in the Bible you learn how to live for God by following God’s rules and living by God’s values.

3. You should enjoy and seek out the company of others who believe in and serve the same God and Christ. The believer values the company, friendship, and advice of his saved friends above that of his unsaved friends.

4. You want to conduct your life according to God’s rules for living, and you make every effort to live as God wants your to live. The saved person values the things of God more than the things they have in the world. A Christian wants to know God’s values and follow God’s rules for living. The world has a set of philosophies about how to live one’s life: a world view. The Christian believes in and strives to follow God’s view.

5. Sin and sinning should bother you. The believer hates sin because God hates sin. The believer defines sin just like God defines sin. Sin is doing what I want to do, just because I don’t want to do what God says. Sin is doing what I think is right not what God says is right. Sin is pleasing myself, not pleasing God. The Christian’s whole-hearted desire is to want the things God wants and to do the things that please God.

To summarize. Is God—Father, Son, Spirit—significant to your daily life? Is reading and doing what the Bible says important in how you live your life? Do you really desire the company of other Christians? Do you think about how God wants you to live? Do sin and sinning always bother you? Is you are able to answer “Yes,” to these questions, then you are in the Body of Christ, the NT church. You are saved.

If the answer to these questions is “No,” then you are probably not a Christian. To be a Christian begins with a relationship with God through faith in Jesus as Savior. Ask God for his gift of grace-faith-salvation, accept the gift from him, and receive Jesus Christ as “My Savior.”

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