Instantaneous Nullification by Todd Standberg

Someday, without warning and at a time completely unknown, God the Father is going to turn to Jesus Christ, His Son, and give the command to go forth and catch up the Church into Heaven. Precisely at that moment (the rapture), everything we are currently doing, thinking, or planning will suffer instantaneous nullification. In other words, as we are raptured into the heavenly realm, everything earthly will cease to matter, become of no effect will be kaput.

In Heaven, every Christian will summarize his or her entire life on earth by answering a single question: “What did you do to advance the kingdom of God?” Whether you happen to be one of the richest people in the world or one of the poorest, in heavenly calculations, you are both of equal status. Only those deeds that you carried out in love, in charity, and to the glory God’s name will be translated into heavenly wealth.

Far too often, we Christians, who know of the better world to come, allow ourselves to become distracted by the pitfalls of this life. The unsaved have no awareness of the eternal kingdom and have a good excuse for being distracted.

I really don’t think many of us realize what an incredible transformation the rapture implies

.Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man 
(Luke 21:36).

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