Into the Promise Land

An absolutely true historical event is equally an absolutely true parable of the journey of those who come to Christ and are in Him and He in them. It begins with Pharaoh and the need of the people to be set free from from the bondage and slavery of Egypt. It is clear that Pharaoh is a type of the old man in Adam, and how we are born into slavery to him. That is to say, we are all born with the old Adam nature and have no way out of the bondage to that old man. It takes the perseverance, love and work of God to bring this pharaoh to the place of letting go of self/old nature. How many of us can attest to this? This is akin to repentance and surrender to God, of trusting Him and asking Him to ‘do whatever it takes’ to bring us into His full inheritance in Christ.
Then, we know what follows is a long period of testing and retesting as to whether we will continue to walk by faith and trust in Him. This is pictured by the wilderness journey. God, all the while is utterly faithful in all He does. There, the people are prepared, as unbelief dies out, to come into the Promised Land, which is in type and shadow, our full inheritance in Christ. Everything about the historical exodus of the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land is equal to our faith journey as believers. We can clearly see that all of it is because of the utter working and faithfulness of the One who called us out of bondage and into Himself.

Barbara Hemig

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