Iran begins ‘major missile exercises’ in Persian Gulf


BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:15 A.M.) –  The Iranian Armed Forces began “major missile exercises” in the Sea of Oman on Tuesday, as they continue to display their military strength in the Persian Gulf region.The scheduled missile exercises are taking place in the Kanark region of the Sistan and Baluchistan provinces, which are located in the southeastern part of the Islamic Republic.The exercises include the use of their Makran and Zara warships, which carry powerful missile launchers that will be tested during the maneuvers.Last week, Iran carried out the largest drone maneuver in the Islamic Republic’s history. The drone drills witnessed the participation of the four forces in the Iranian army; it was also launched in the Samnan region in northeastern Iran near the border areas.During the maneuvers, the Iranian army used hundreds of drones of various types, including the Muhajir, Ababil, Violin-12, Arch, Kayan, Pelican, Simorgh, Saiqa and Hazem.
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