Commander of the IRGC Ground Force’s Drone Division has said that the force will receive new Fotros drones enjoying an operational range of 2,000 kilometres in the near future.
Speaking in an exclusive interview with Iran’s Tasnim news agency, Colonel Akbar Karimloo said that the decision was the result of serious and extensive discussions with the Defense Ministry.
Karimloo said that many technical aspects of the drone were under review and the drones will be deployed in “operation zones” once related discussions are finalized.
First unveiled in 2013, the Fotros drone is among Iran’s largest combat and reconnaissance drones.
The drone can fly for up to 30 hours and travel for up to 2,0000 kilometres.
IRGC to receive upgraded Mohajer-6 drones
Also in his remarks, Karimloo said that the IRGC is planning to upgrade its existing Mohajer-6 surveillance and combat drones with an improved motor and automatic takeoff and landing capability.
The Mohajer-6 is the latest and most advanced model from the Mohajer drone family. The drone has successfully been used by Iran in a number of anti-terror operations in recent years.
“Its introduction to the Command of the IRGC Ground Forces led to major developments, substantially increasing flight endurance and increasing our presence in operation zones,” Karimloo said about the drone.
“The drone has also been used in combat, delivering efficient blows to enemy forces,” he added.
Iran has taken great strides seeking to attain self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipment and defense systems in the face of decades-long sanctions and arms embargoes on the country.
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Iran’s defense ministry makes mass delivery of new combat and surveillance drones, including a jet-powered multipurpose UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) to Army’s Air force and Air Defense Force.
Earlier this month, the Iranian Army’s Air force and Air Defense Force received three new drones, including a jet-powered multipurpose UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle).
Source: PressTV
Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/iran-bolsters-missile-capabilities-amid-heightened-tensions-with-us/.