Iran: “The fact that Britain has sided with the rebellious and notorious Zionist regime shows the position of this country.”
AUGUST 9, 2021 10:53
Iran’s Saeed Khatibzadeh, the spokesman for the foreign ministry in Tehran and president of the Center for Public Diplomacy, slammed the UK for its role in investigating the murder of a UK citizen off the coast of Yemen. The UK, US, and Israel have blamed Iran for the drone attack that killed two crew on the Mercer Street ship.
“These remarks by the British Foreign Secretary against the Iranian people are not new statements and are part of a chain of irresponsible statements by officials in that country in recent years,” he said.
“Iran is concerned about the obvious violation that Britain did against the Iranian oil tanker in international waters. My strong advice to the British government is to pay attention to its responsibilities and duties. The security of the Persian Gulf is a red line for Iran, and we did our best to protect this waterway from the insecurities of countries like Britain.”
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This warning is interesting and goes beyond what Iran has recently said. Iran and the UK have had tensions before in 2019 when UK Royal Marines boarded the Grace 1 tanker as it entered the Mediterranean Sea. It was released, but not before Iran harassed one UK-flagged tanker and then seized another in 2019.
Iran has shown it is willing to play hardball with the UK and its warning now appears to come in the wake of reports that the UK is taking the attack on Mercer Street seriously and that the UK might respond.
Iran is putting out a “red line” message to discourage anyone from holding Iran to account for the drone attack. “The fact that Britain has sided with the rebellious and notorious Zionist regime shows the position of this country.” In essence, Iran is warning the UK it could attack more ships in the Persian Gulf.
The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman also reviewed the developments in Afghanistan and the arrival of a number of Afghan nationals in Iran as refugees. He said Iran is deeply concerned about developments in Afghanistan. For the past four decades, Iran has hosted its Afghan “brothers and sisters and has never looked down on the Afghan people,” he said. Now the Taliban are seizing cities in Afghanistan and a refugee crisis is growing.
Iran wants to manage the refugee crisis and also does not want to see Shi’ites and others it works with within Afghanistan harmed.
Tags Iran United Kingdom yemen afghanistan Iran News Ship Ship attacks
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