BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The Iranian Armed Forces deployed missile launchers along the Strait of Hormuz in the Islamic Republic’s southern region.
In a video shared on social media, the Iranian military can be seen deploying their missile launchers in an area that is believed to be the port city of Bandar Abbas in the Hormozgan Province.
The missile launchers can be seen along a large stretch of beach, as the person video taping the weapons drives behind them.
#Iran Deploys Missile Launchers along Strait of Hormuz pic.twitter.com/qlNyqbPH92
— Last Defender (@LastDef) April 4, 2020
This video was released at a time when tensions between the U.S. and Iran are at a decade-long high.
Last Monday, the U.S. military deployed its Patriot air defense missile system to two bases, Harir and ‘Ayn Al-Assad, in Iraq.
Shortly after the deployment, U.S. President Donald Trump issued a warning to Iran and its allied paramilitaries, saying that Washington has heard about a plan to attack its forces in Iraq.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/iran-deploys-missile-launchers-along-strait-of-hormuz-as-tensions-with-us-increase-video/.