
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:00 P.M.) – The e Iranian government revealed on Tuesday, the result of the investigation into the explosion, which occurred, last month, at the Parchin military base, east of the capital, Tehran.
The Iranian government spokesman, Ali Rabe’i, said at a news conference, as reported by the Tasnim Agency, that “the explosion, which occurred at the Parchin military base, east of the capital, Tehran, was not the result of an act of sabotage.”
“The explosion at the Parchin military base was not a result of sabotage, but an accident, and the damage was not significant,” he added, without providing details of the damage to the base, which is currently producing Iranian weapons and missiles.
The Iranian Ministry of Defense announced last month that a gas tank had exploded in the Parchin region, causing no casualties, while users of social networking sites shared a video clip that showed the explosion.
The Fars News Agency said that “a number of social media users saw an orange light in the eastern part of Tehran” after midnight, confirming that the light was caused by the “explosion of an industrial gas tank” near facilities of the Iranian Ministry of Defense.
They quoted an informed source that said the location where the explosion occurred is not affiliated with the army.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/iran-discloses-results-of-investigation-in-explosion-at-military-base/.