News Desk2020-05-28

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:00 P.M.) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday informed the concerned authorities in his country that the new law to confront Israeli practices “hostile to peace and security” had entered into force.
The Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported that Rouhani had informed the ministries of the Interior, Security, Foreign Affairs, Defense, Support of the Armed Forces, the Supreme Council for National Security and the Judicial Authority of the law bearing the name “facing the practices of the Zionist entity hostility to peace and security.”
This law, which was approved by the Iranian Shura Council on May 18 and endorsed by the Guardian Council on May 20, mandates the government of the Islamic Republic “within the framework of public policies of the system and to benefit from regional and international energies and opportunities”, to confront hostile measures by Israel against the Palestinian people and Islamic countries, especially Iran, in addition to “the subversive role of this illegal entity.”
Iran maintains hostile policies towards Israel and refuses to have any diplomatic relations with the aforementioned country.
The two Middle Eastern foes have engaged for years in different types of conflicts, whether through proxies or direct cyber warfare.
Israel has even struck the Iranian forces on several occasions in Syria, which has led to increased tensions between the two countries.
To counteract Iran’s actions against Israel, the U.S. has often engaged the Islamic Republic more directly, whether through sanctions or their harsh rhetoric.
Most recently, the U.S. imposed new sanctions against the Islamic Republic, while also pushing for an extension on the arms embargo.
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The two governments continue to trade words over social media, with diplomats from both nations often accusing one another of being threats to the world.
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