BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The Center for Public Diplomacy and Information of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization has commented on the news of an explosion at the site of the Reza Nejad nuclear facility.
The center said in a statement, as reported by Sputnik Arabic on Tuesday, that “anti-revolutionary elements have published in the media, allegations of an explosion at the Shahid Reza Nejad nuclear complex in the city of Ardakan in the province of Yazd (central Iran), but this is not true.”
“The satellite imagery that was released was not related to this complex. There was no explosion,” the agency said in a statement .
The Center noted in its statement that “the allegations of anti-revolutionary elements abroad are linked to the Zionist terrorist regime and war promoters and to create a media atmosphere of despair and exert maximum pressure on the proud Islamic Republic of Iran.”
Israel’s former Defense Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, told Israeli Army Radio on Monday evening that a senior official in the security services said that Israel was responsible for the bombing that occurred in Iran last Thursday at the Natanz nuclear facility.
Prior to Lieberman’s comments, the New York Times had quoted an informed “Middle Eastern intelligence official” as saying that “Israel is responsible for the attack.”
The source added, “Tel Aviv is responsible for the latest explosion, but it has nothing to do with the other incidents.”
Iran maintains that they have conducted a successful investigation about the cause of the explosion, but they are not releasing the information for security reasons.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/iran-issues-first-statement-about-alleged-israeli-attack-on-nuclear-facility/.