BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:20 P.M.) – The Iranian military has tested a new anti-tank missile that seems to resemble one of the Israeli projectiles that was shot down in Syria, the Russian publication Avia.Pro reported, citing new video footage of the Islamic Republic’s test.
According to the publication, the Russian electronic warfare system, Krasukha-4, brought down an Israeli drone during one of Tel Aviv’s attacks on Syria, which allowed Moscow to seize it and later study it.
“The next attack by the Israeli military on the positions of the Syrian and Iranian militaries in the SAR (Syrian Arab Republic) turned into unexpected troubles for Tel Aviv. One of the missiles launched by Israel turned out to be ‘shot down’ by the Russian electronic warfare system, presumably, we are talking about the Krasukha-4 system, which is the long-range electronic warfare system in Syria, after which the missile was successfully removed from the country by Iranian intelligence services, studied and completely copied,” they claimed.
In the video shared on social media of the new Iranian missile test, Avia.Pro reports that “you can see the time of the test of the Iranian copy of the Israeli Spike missile. The accuracy with which the copied Israeli rocket hits the target is very impressive. At the same time, experts do not exclude the possibility that in the near future Iran may well try to use Israeli missiles against Tel Aviv itself.”
Watch: Iran test new anti tank missile pic.twitter.com/1JxAUlbuqB
— Last Defender (@LastDef) April 19, 2020
“If the characteristics of the Iranian missile correspond to those laid down in the Israeli, the Iranian military may well try to use the missile against the Israeli military in the event of repeated attacks ,” the Avia.Pro specialist notes.
Neither Iran nor Israel have commented on the appearance of a replicated Israeli missile in the Islamic Republic’s arsenal.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/iran-may-have-replicated-israeli-missile-shot-down-in-syria-video/.