Iran Rejects G7 Warning as ‘Political’ and Vows to Continue ‘Peaceful” Nuclear Program


Hana Levi Julian


10 Sivan 5784 – June 16, 2024

Iranian Emad long-range ballistic missile, range 1,700 kilometers. Iran launched more than 100 such missiles at Israel on April 14, 2024.

Iran has rejected a draft resolution this past Friday by the Group of Seven warning the Islamic Republic to cease its expansion of its uranium enrichment program.

Group of Seven Warns Iran Against Expansion of Nuclear Program

“We urge Tehran to cease and reverse nuclear escalations, and stop the continuing uranium enrichment activities that have no credible civilian justifications,” read the G7 statement, Reuters reported.

Tehran has significantly increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to 60 percent purity, which can easily and rapidly be upgraded to 90 percent, weapons-grade purity.

As of May 11, 2024, Iran’s stockpile of 60 percent highly enriched uranium rose 20.6 kilograms to 142.1 kilograms since its report in February — its highest level to date — according to the May report by the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The nuclear watchdog agency says it is technically possible to create an atomic bomb with roughly 42 kilograms (92.5 pounds) of 60 percent enriched uranium, once it is enriched to 90 percent.

Iran’s total stockpile of enriched uranium now stands at 6,201.3 kilograms (13,671.5 pounds) — a 675.8 kilogram (1,489.8 pound) increase in three months, the IAEA reported.

Israel Hails IAEA Demand for Iran to Halt Nuclear Program

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said Sunday that the G7 statement referring to the recent censure by the IAEA’s Board of Governors was a “political resolution”.

“Iran will continue constructive interaction and technical cooperation with the IAEA within the framework of its duties and rights,” the spokesman added. He emphasized that Tehran will press ahead with its “peaceful nuclear projects” in accordance with the NPT and the Safeguards Agreement, “irrespective of political pressures.”

Iran also rejected a G7 statement that the world body would enforce ‘new measures’ if Tehran transfers ballistic missiles to Russia.

Kanaai said Tehrain will “act decisively to protect and defend its national security and interests against any ill-advised measure … Any attempt to link the war in Ukraine to the bilateral cooperation between Iran and Russia is an act with only biased political goals.”

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