Iran responds to potential Trump attack before leaving office

News Desk2020-11-26

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BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:00 A.M.) – The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Major General Hossein Salami, said on Wednesday that the military war is beyond an option for the U.S.

Salami warned that the Iranian “mobilization forces have great values, including honor, dignity and self-sacrifice, and the mobilization forces also have divine glory and their hearts are reassuring in the remembrance of God,” the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported.

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He continued: “The mobilists are not afraid of any enemy, at the same time they embody the beauty of mercy and love, and starting from that when the enemy thinks about striking our system, he feels frustrated and disappointed.”

Salami pointed out that “the military war is beyond the enemy’s options, and this is the truth, and that it has targeted our people, our religion, our culture, our livelihood and our health.”

He concluded his speech, saying: “We stand until the end, and the end of this resistance is the complete decline of the enemy that we see today as he witnesses the sunset, while the sun of our revolution shines in the sky of this nation’s pride.”

Salami’s comments came in response to the latest news reports about U.S. President Donald Trump mulling over a potential attack against Iran before he leaves office on January 20th.

Israeli officials told the Walla News Agency, “The Israeli army’s preparedness measures are related to the possible Iranian response to Israel, directly or through Iran’s proxies in Syria, Gaza and Lebanon.”

Walla pointed out that “while Pompeo was in the Gulf, the U.S. Central Command announced that the B-52 strategic bomber had carried out a short and long-range mission in the Middle East to deter aggression and reassure U.S. partners and allies.’

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Trump has yet to comment on the reports about his potential order to attack Iran before leaving office.

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