News Desk2020-08-17

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) launched a missile from one of their sites in the southern part of the Islamic Republic.
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) – Iranian Defense Minister, Brigadier General Amir Hatami, announced on Sunday, that work is underway to launch two missiles for the ‘Simragh’ and “Zu Al-Jinah” satellites this year, pointing out that Iran possesses all types of cruise missiles.
On the occasion of Defense Industries Day, Brigadier General Hatami said, as quoted by the Mehr News Agency, “The Iranian space program is a permanent program and has passed several stages and has several stages to come, and the country’s needs for heavier shipments weighing more than 100 kg, and in the next stage, there are higher orbits and heavier cargo, as we have prepared.”
“The satellite-carrying missile is still in the research stage, and the Simragh missile is similar to the shape and size, but it works with solid fuel and can be launched from a mobile platform,” he explained.
The Iranian Defense Minister added, “I think we will launch these two missiles this year. Of course, it is a launch for conducting research, and the IRGC satellite will also be used for small shipments.”
Regarding the cruise missiles manufactured by the Ministry of Defense, Brigadier General Hatami said:
“Our step in this field is an honorable one and we have all types of land and sea cruise missiles and air – land – ground – ground and subsurface – surface and so on.”
He added about the cruise missiles: “one of the products that will be displayed on Defense Industries Day next Friday is a cruise missile.
Regarding the installation of a long-range cruise missile on fighters, the Minister of Defense said: “We are working in this field, which is part of our research work, and we hope that we will be able to achieve this by the middle of next year. What you need in the field of making weapons, and we will sell and export weapons after the arms embargo is lifted.”
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