
Stock photo of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran operating a T-72 tank during a military exercise in the southern part of the country.
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:40 P.M.) – The spokesman for the Iranian Armed Forces, Abu Fadl Shikaraji, said on Saturday, that his country “will not tolerate the presence of terrorists at its borders with Karabakh, nor will it allow the establishment of bases for Israel near its borders.”
Brigadier General Shikaraji said in an interview with the Mizan News Agency that the Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stressed the need for Armenia to return the lands that it “occupied” from the Republic of Azerbaijan, and that the Islamic Republic of Iran hopes that this matter will be resolved through dialogue.
He continued, “The two countries, the two parties to the dispute over Karabakh, are our neighbors, and we respect both of them, and at the same time we support the liberation of the occupied lands.”
He stressed the need not to harm the people of this region, who are Armenians, especially Armenians living in Muslim areas.
Shikaraji pointed out that Iran attaches importance to the security of its borders and its citizens living in the border region, stressing that the two countries (Azerbaijan and Armenia) must respect its territorial integrity, because “any exposure to his country will face a firm response.”
He pointed out that Iran “has excellent readiness to confront any threat within its borders, through the presence of border guards, units of the ground force of the Revolutionary Guard, and the Iranian army.”
Shikaraji stated that Iran had asked the two parties to the conflict in Karabakh not to pave the way for the entry of the terrorists to the Iranian region, noting that “the presence of takfiri terrorists cannot be tolerated by the Islamic Republic of Iran at all.
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He added: “The presence of spy bases belonging to Israel is another important point, as we will never allow the establishment of bases for them near our borders and the disputed area, in which clashes are taking place. This is the responsibility of the state that allows the presence of the takfiris and the Zionists. “
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/iran-threatens-to-respond-to-israeli-and-mercenary-presence-along-its-karabakh-border/.