
Tehran is interested in Russian military equipment, Russian Ambassador to Iran Levan Jagaryan said in an interview with RIA Novosti.
“Yes, there is, of course, because our military technology is considered by right the world’s best and most affordable in the world”, – said the ambassador, responding to a question on whether Tehran has an interest in Russian military equipment, but did not specify what exactly.
At the same time, he recalled that in the field of military-technical cooperation with Tehran, Moscow adheres to the restrictions imposed on Iran in accordance with international law – in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 2231.
“But these restrictions are temporary – until October 2020,” Jagaryan said.
Commenting on the possibility of Iran acquiring Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, the head of the Russian diplomatic mission indicated that Tehran should decide on this issue itself.
In the summer of 2019, the Bloomberg agency, citing two knowledgeable individuals, reported that Russia allegedly rejected Iran’s request to sell him the S-400. Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov then commented to RIA Novosti on similar reports, saying that Russia had not received any requests from Iran.
The same information was confirmed by the official representative of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Abbas Mousavi, who indicated that Tehran had developed its own systems and did not feel the need for Russian ones.
Source: RIA Novosti
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