BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:30 P.M.) – The Iranian government said it had informed Washington that an extension of the U.S. arms embargo would “face a severe response.”
According to Iranian state media, government spokesperson, Ali Rabei, said at a press conference on Saturday that “we have informed the United States of America and Europe that the extension of the international community’s arms embargo against Iran is inconsistent with previous agreements and will face a harsh response.”
Rabiei stressed that this procedure “will have serious repercussions on the nuclear agreement and beyond the nuclear agreement, and will have negative repercussions on the security and stability of the region.”
“We talked to the member states of the nuclear agreement and they informed us that they will not accept the United States’ method of extending our arms embargo.”
A spokesman for the Iranian government continued: “The United States of America must realize that the world and international agreements are not a game in their hands.”
He considered that any extension of the embargo would indicate that the United States is balking at the laws and unilaterally using international treaties.
“The United States cannot bully the international scene and we believe that the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council will oppose the extension of the embargo, just as the United States cannot use the nuclear agreement and UN resolution 2231 without abiding by its nuclear obligations,” he continued.
Rabiei stressed that there is no international or legal destination for Washington’s attempt to use the nuclear agreement to extend the arms embargo on Iran, stating: “America withdrew from the nuclear agreement and cannot use its content to achieve its goals, and it can express its opinion as a member of the agreement if it returns to it and fulfills its obligations.”
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/iran-warns-us-of-harsh-response-if-arms-embargo-is-extended/.