BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:00 A.M.) – The spokesman for the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian Parliament, Abul Fadl Amoui, announced that his country is working on designing a nuclear reactor similar to the Arak heavy water reactor.
“During today’s meeting of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, they discussed how to implement the Strategic Procedure Law to abolish the embargo and protect the rights of the people,” Amoui said in an interview with the Fars News Agency.
He continued, “This meeting was attended by the Assistant Head of the Atomic Energy Organization and Assistant Foreign Minister Behrouz Kamalandi, who gave an explanation on how to implement the various provisions of this law.”
“The Atomic Energy Organization is working at the present time, according to a timetable, to design a reactor similar to the Arak heavy water reactor, before making updates to it,” he said.
He added that Kamalandi confirmed during the meeting that the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs made it clear in its international contacts that the “strategic procedure to end the embargo” law had passed all its legal stages, stressing that “we will not allow foreign parties to violate this law.”
On Sunday, Iran revealed that it would increase its uranium enrichment, unless the United States ended its economic blockade and sanctions against the Islamic Republic.
However, it is highly unlikely that the Trump administration will agree to lift the sanctions against Iran; they will have to wait until Joe Biden is inaugurated.
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Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/iran-will-build-new-nuclear-reactor-official/.