Iran will construct 2 new nuclear reactors if sanctions are not lifted: Salehi

News Desk


Reading Time: 2min read

BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, announced that his country is about to construct two new nuclear reactors, threatening to remove surveillance cameras from Iran’s nuclear facilities if sanctions are not lifted within three months.

According to statements carried by the official Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), Salehi confirmed that the International Atomic Energy Agency is not entitled to access the information recorded by the agency’s surveillance cameras in Iranian nuclear facilities for a period of three months, stressing that if the ban is not lifted within this period, they will be deleted.

“We are working now to build two nuclear reactors that we started with several years ago, which is considered the largest industrial project in the country with investments amounting to $10 billion (USD),” Salehi said, stressing that his country currently has the ability to enrich uranium by 60% within 24 hours.


Salehi’s statements came during an interview on Iranian television yesterday evening. During the program, he explained how to implement the Iranian Shura Council law to stop the implementation of the additional protocol related to the nuclear agreement.

Salehi indicated that surveillance cameras will continue to operate within the framework of the additional protocol and record information, but he stressed that this information will be erased after a period of three months if the ban imposed on his country is not canceled.

He stressed that his country will not allow access to the nuclear facilities by the IAEA within the framework of the additional protocol, stressing that this has already happened when the agency inspected a place and then wanted to enter another place close to it until the authorities did not allow them.


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The Iranian official praised the Shura Council law to abolish the ban, stressing that “an excellent law provided a golden opportunity for the Iranian nuclear program,” claiming, “We were able to enrich uranium by 20% within 24 hours only.”

Salehi added: “We are now producing 1000 IR6 centrifuges after the incident targeting the Natanz nuclear facility.”

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