
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:45 A.M.) – The Iranian government spokesman Ali Rabei announced on Tuesday that his country would respond appropriately in the event that it was revealed there was an attack on the the Natanz nuclear site.
In response to a question about some of the hypotheses raised about the Natanz incident and the comments of Israeli officials, Rabei said:
“From the beginning, this incident was thoroughly investigated and specialized groups invstigated there, according to the consensus of the relevant experts, the search for the cause of the incident is completed by consensus.”
He continued: “Fortunately, there were no casualties in this accident. In the early hours, news was released about the leakage of radioactive material, but the accident did not result in the leakage of any radioactive material, and it had no effect on the activities related to uranium enrichment in the nuclear facilities at Natanz.”
“Our nuclear industry is peaceful and cannot be suspended based on the wishes of the enemies. Our nuclear industry is moving at full capacity. Our colleagues in the General Secretariat of the Supreme National Security Council have already announced that the causes of the incident will be announced in due course.”
Rabiei pointed out that since the beginning of the incident, some media outlets and media activists, most of them he claimed worked with the Mossad, have “participated in a planned and coordinated effort to present a strong image of the Zionist entity, and linked the incident to it.”
The government spokesman said: “This media atmosphere and psychological processes are familiar to all of us, which were followed by tweets by people and media in the Zionist entity, and they are commensurate with the nature of the evil and terrorist entity and it is a type of claiming responsibility for the incident, so such evil actions befit it.”
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Rabei added: The Zionist entity must realize that breaking the standards in our nuclear facilities, even by the media, is in fact a step towards the red lines of global peace and security, that could be a dangerous practice spreading all over the world, because exceeding the standards in the field of facilities is a step in the red lines, and the international community must take the appropriate position on it.”
Source: RT
Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/iran-will-respond-if-nuclear-facility-explosion-was-caused-by-attack-official/.