
BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:30 P.M.) – Sayyid Hossein Nahgavii Hosseini, the spokesman for the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian parliament, revealed on Saturday the details of a plan to confront Israel.
“The committee meeting was held this evening, Saturday, with the aim of studying the plan to confront and ratify the hostile practices of the Zionist entity against peace and security,” he said, according to the Iranian Fars News Agency.
He said that “according to the first article of the aforementioned plan, all the country’s bodies are obligated to use all their regional and international energies to confront the hostile practices of the Zionist entity, especially facing the provocative acts of war, terrorism, the human blockade, settlement, displacement of the Palestinian people and the occupation of the territories of states, including the Golan.”
“Article 2 confirms the implementation of the law approved by the Islamic Shura Council on the protection of Jerusalem, the capital of Palestine,” he continued.
“Article 3 confirms the government’s commitment to fully support the oppressed Palestinian people, especially Article 8 of the Law for the Protection of the Islamic Revolution of the Palestinian People,” adding that “Article 4 prohibits the issuance of any license, directly or indirectly, to natural and legal persons in exhibitions, conferences and forums.”
He would add that “Article 5 prohibits any programmatic activities of the Zionist entity in the country’s cyber geography, as it is prohibited to provide services to them, as well as any use of hardware and software products that have a production branch in the Zionist entity.”
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Iran has arguably been the most aggressive country towards Israel, with the two nations often engaging in different practices to undermine the other.
Content retrieved from: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/iranian-official-reveals-irans-plan-to-confront-israel/.