Iranian official warns US will never be ‘comfortable’ in the Middle East after Soleimani’s assassination




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BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:55 P.M.) – Hussein Amir Abdullahian, assistant to the head of the Iranian Shura Council, stressed that “the region will not be comfortable for the Americans after the assassination of the commander of the Quds Force, Major-General Qasim Soleimani.”

In a symposium on the political and strategic dimensions of the repercussions of the assassination of Soleimani, which was held at the Faculty of International Relations of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Abdullahian said, as quoted by Fars News: “Today, from the Nile to the Euphrates, the Zionists are trapped in a concrete wall between 5 to 12 meters in a small area called Israel.”

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“Commander Soleimani has never forgotten Palestine. In the fight against terrorism, we witnessed the defeat of ISIS in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and the region,” he continued.

“The mission that the martyr Soleimani was following is to ensure that the Zionist strategy of dividing the countries of the region does not succeed. In recent years, what America has been doing in the region is what we saw in Iraq and Lebanon. Their allies will destabilize the countries of the region,” he stressed.

Turning to the war in Yemen, Amir Abdullahian said, “Saudi Arabia has never been able to fight a long military war in the region without coordination with America,” adding that the conflict in Yemen has been a failure for them.


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