Iranian President Asks Trump to Stop “Foolish Attempts”

Iranian President Asks Trump to Stop "Foolish Attempts"
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani condemned Washington’s so-called ‘Deal of the Century’ plan, calling on his US counterpart Donald Trump to stop “foolish attempts”.

“Enough of these foolish attempts,” President Rouhani wrote on his Twitter page on Wednesday.

“The Most Despicable Plan of the Century,” he added.

His comments came after the White House claimed that this “Vision” is the most serious, realistic, and detailed plan ever presented, one that could make Israelis, Palestinians, and the region safer and more prosperous.

“This Vision is just the first step and provides the basis for historic progress toward peace. The United States hopes this Vision will lead to direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians,” it added.

Trump announced his so-called ‘Deal of the Century’ peace plan together with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the White House on Tuesday, giving Israel full control of the settlements and Jerusalem as its undivided capital. The plan was deplored and rejected across the world, including the UN and the Muslim world.

Late on Tuesday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry lashed out at Trump’s so-called “Deal of the century” as a great betrayal to the causes of the Palestinians and all Muslim nations of the world, urging all Islamic countries to get united, regardless of differences and disagreements, to fight against the “treason of the century”.

“The Zionist regime is an occupying regime and the only solution to solve the Palestinian crisis is a referendum among all main residents of the Palestinian land and such vicious plans are doomed to failure,” Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Abbas Mousavi said.

He called on all free nations and governments in the region and across the world to counter Trump’s disgraceful scheme.

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