04/05/2019 – 16:17

ERBIL — The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) will open a new office in Iraq to facilitate the cooperation in the oil industry while US is increasing pressure to cripple Tehran’s oil exports.
“The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) will open a new office in Iraq to further ease the two countries’ cooperation in the oil industry and transfer of engineering and technical services to the Arab country following a new agreement between Tehran and Baghdad,” Iran’s Fars news agency reported on Saturday.
The agreement was reached in a meeting between Iraqi Deputy Oil Minister Mahmoud Abdul Amir Hashim, the NIOC Director for Support, Construction and Goods Supply Ramin Qalambor Dezfouli, and a number of Iranian oil equipment producers.
“We have been seeking to achieve this goal for about three years as Iranian producers and constructors are acting independently in Iraq. Currently, we aim to establish an NIOC representative office in Iraq to represent the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum in the country,” said Dezfouli.
Content retrieved from: http://www.basnews.com/index.php/en/economy/world/518589?fbclid=IwAR3-q_anCZ-Xu4Te_NW-sHZugRE50ibRhXcbEF5gP7FVBeW8ShdQGZY-4ro#.XM3YyEHA7gw.facebook.