
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) – The commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards naval force, Admiral Ali Reza Tunsgiri, said that training to defend the Gulf islands and to confront security breaches is one of the goals of holding the “Great Prophet-14” exercises.
“This evening, we will not allow enemies to exploit the Persian Gulf, or any other point of Islamic Iran,” the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported on Wednesday evening.
On the sidelines of the final stage of the Great Prophet-14 joint drills, Tunsgiri said that these exercises were conducted in accordance with the war games and the strategies used in the Gulf and south of the country, and through which training is provided on methods of providing security in the Gulf and addressing those who disrupt its security.
Tunsgiri pointed out the scenarios and actions taken by the naval units in these maneuvers, adding that this military exercise included designing and implementing a missile launch plan for the specified targets, fighting local helicopters, and amphibious aircraft of the naval force accompanied by guided missiles.
He noted that the maneuvers included using offensive and defensive naval mines, with the aim of cutting enemy transport lines, coastal defenses and destroying amphibious ships and vessels supporting the enemy.
Source: IRNA
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