
On Wednesday, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards announced the arrest of two fishing vessels in the regional waters of Japhar and Kanark.
“The Imam Ali Naval Unit of the Sea Corps of the Revolutionary Guards stopped two fishing vessels that had anchored in the waters of the Japhar and Kanark regions and committed a flagrant violation by entering the 12-mile zone, and they were practicing prohibited trawl fishing,” the public relations of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards naval force said in a statement, as quoted by the Fars News Agency of the Islamic Republic.
The statement said that “these two ships were seized as part of a process of forwarding the marine mobilization and the elements of Imam Ali Al-Bahri’s headquarters, in implementation of a judicial ruling issued by the Kanark Prosecution office following the protest of the local fishermen in the region.”
These two ships were carrying more than 80 tons of various types of fish, and they were transferred to the marina of Imam Ali Al-Bahri affiliated to the Revolutionary Guard Corps, to take legal measures.
Iran had recently announced that its navy had stopped a foreign ship in the Gulf waters, on charges of smuggling fuel and seizing 12 sailors of Filipino nationality.
Furthermore, Iranian television reported, “Iran stops a fuel smuggling ship carrying 283,000 and 900 liters of smuggled fuel at its coast,” adding that “those who were on the ship, 12 people of Filipino nationality, have been arrested and are being investigated to bring them to justice.”
Sources: Fars, Sputnik
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