News Desk2020-09-16

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:15 A.M.) – The leader of Yemen’s Ansarallah Movement, Abdel-Malek Al-Houthi, said that Israel had begun preparing to establish a presence in his country with protection from the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United States.
In a televised speech on Monday, Al-Houthi said, “Many facts are now largely clear, and the Saudi and Emirati role and the Al-Khalifa (the ruling family in Bahrain) in the aggression against Yemen has become clear in this general context, which is the implementation of the American and Israeli agenda.”
He said: “Whenever they were able to control the southern governorates, the Americans began to be behind them, and they had a base at Al-Rayyan Airport in Hadramout, and they became present in Sharurah and to some extent in Aden. Then the Israelis began to come from behind them, with their protection, their expenses and their efforts.”
He said that the Arab coalition countries are conspiring against Yemen and fulfilling the U.S.’ agenda.
Al-Houthi’s accusations come on the eve of the signing of two agreements by the UAE and Bahrain, which are allies of Saudi Arabia in the “coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen,” to normalize relations with Israel during a ceremony at the White House.
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